The marina has been a busy place this past month with even more work to be done in April and May. Float services Inc. completed many of the required repairs including removal and replacement of the rotted cross-bracing supports under the suspended gang walk. The four pilings supporting the gang walk have been poly wrapped to extend their life for many years to come. The floats supporting the aluminum ramp were lifted, and broken through-rods and whalers were removed and replaced. A professional dive inspection was performed on all dock pilings and came back with a report that was very positive, with the exception of a couple pilings that will require new rub plates and support hoops. The ramp landing plate was resurfaced with new nonskid material – a special thank you to DKC member Eric Dow for getting the work done. Additionally, volunteers Dave Perea, Dave Werner, Paul Rockwell, Marty Antrim, Greg Reimann, Ron Bruhn and John McGinn have spent days power washing the docks, replacing old water lines, and fixing the barbecues in the new gazebo by the pavilion so they are in good working order. The effort of these volunteer members has saved the marina thousands of dollars in labor costs that would have otherwise had to be hired out.
Our maintenance permit for boat ramp debris removal, leveling and concrete work, has been approved and is in the final stage awaiting 14-day final approval. This work will require the boat ramp and dock walkway be closed for about a week. We will attempt to give as much notice as possible so please watch for notices in your email regarding ramp closures and openings. If you want to launch your boat, you will need to do so prior to construction work commencing. We will attempt to provide courtesy moorage, as long as slips are available, for those that need it.
The fishing, boating and sailing season will begin soon! Our Harbormaster, Max Wisner, asks that you contact him prior to seeking overnight temporary moorage or tying up to any temporary moorage areas. Also, please make sure your vessel has a visible DKC member sticker to signify you are a member.
Our Docks and Waterfront Committee members are working with our Treasurer and Finance Committee, and Reserve Associates Inc. on difficult budget and reserve updates. As we receive more information regarding costs associated with dock replacement, it is apparent we need to increase slip fees and make changes in temporary moorage this year, and will need to do so again next year. Per our recent DKC survey, results indicate the majority of members understand and support having to contribute equitably for use of the marina. Unfortunately, some members still do not realize our marina is completely self-funded and the only source of revenue comes from annual slip leases and temporary moorage fees. The marina revenue does not just pay for the docks. It also pays harbor master wages, electric and water utility bills for the dock area, the entire marina parking lot maintenance, all pavilions, the kitchen area and restrooms, all propane costs and equipment for crab cooking and barbecuing, plus taxes on the entire tidal area from the beach area to the back bay and boat ramp. This, along with the day-to-day dock maintance costs, has been increasing each year. We must look at every revenue producing opportunity to equitably ensure we are able to maintain our most valuable asset for years to come.
If you haven’t been down to the marina in a while, come visit and see all the work our volunteers and contractors are doing to ensure we are ready for the summer season!
Ted McDaniel
Driftwood Key Club Docks
and Waterfront Trustee